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Bacon Therapy

Course: Dessert
Keyword: bacon, chocolate
Servings: 4 people


  • 1 pound bacon thick cut
  • 1 1/2 pound milk or dark chocolate wafer style


  • In a 350-degree oven, place bacon strips on a foiled-lined baking sheet, baking for approximately 20-40 minutes (turning once, and do not burn your bacon!).  Cool and cut into smaller strips, if desired. 

Melt chocolate in a double boiler

  • If you don’t have a double broiler, you can also use a glass bowl (make sure that it is heatproof) that fits over a saucepan without touching the water.
  • Put water in the saucepan and let it come to a slow boil and keep it at a simmer. 
  • Put the glass bowl over the saucepan.  Make sure that the water doesn’t get into the bowl.  Chocolate & water do not mix. 
  • Put the chocolate in the bowl and stir slowly until melted.
  • Once melted, remove the glass bowl.  If the chocolate starts to harden during the next step, bring the water back to a slow boil and put the glass bowl over the water to remelt the chocolate.
  • Dip each slice of bacon, either all the way or part of the way.  Place on cooling rack and let dry.  Do not place in the refrigerator!  While drying you could add a pinch of Himalayan salt.